Sunday, March 18, 2018

Holmes-Style Priests for the Welsh Marches

Usual caveat: posting on my phone. Will make big improvements to this post going forward.

Update: very busy day. Family dominated computer time. Usually I would post now but I have to be up early. Will update tomorrow.

In the Holmes Monk comment section, Starbeard made an observation that is such genius, it’s completely obvious in hindsight. You ever see that happen? The kind of thing that makes you smack your head and wonder how you didn’t see it before? Well, Starbeard made me smack my head.

His take is that you can totally change the Monk around by changing the spell-like effects on his Wonders table. It’s very true!

So #1, I’m going to fix the AC bonus progression to favor the Monk a little more.

#2, I’m going to give him a conditional Smite ability to go along with his Guided Hand.

But the big #3, and thank you Starbeard, is that I can use this chassis to make up the holy men from the several cultures in the Welsh Marches setting!

A Druid, a Monk, a Saxon shaman, and even a couple of different types of Christian monks - one from each estate and one from the outlaw background.

This feels awesome and I owe it to a Starbeard. Thanks!

I’ll present the spell lists and skins for the monks as I make them. It will be soon.

Also: stay tuned for the Thief-type for this setting, which I will present shortly as well. It’s called the Rat-Catcher. It’s based on a concept by Simon Bull who did Delving Deeper.

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