Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Castle Caldwell Explorers 7.1 - The Map of the Realm

Finally! The map of the Realm!

Steve made this since it's his Realm. I had received a copy without a scale on it, but just Saturday he brought one with hexes overlaid, and then sent me the PDF.  I'm thrilled!

This little picture really doesn't do the map justice, so download the PDF and take a look!

The scale is 1 hex = 40 miles.  That means each hex from one flat edge to the opposite is 40 miles. One corner to the opposite corner is 46 and 2/3 miles.  Therefore the length of one side of a hex is 23 and 1/3 miles. Therefore the area of one hex is roughly 1400 sq. miles. That's a lot of territory! In fact, one hex is almost exactly the size of the state of Rhode Island- maybe a little bigger.

There are 17 x 11.5 of these hexes in this map. 195.5 hexes. Therefore the area of the map is approximately 276,000 sq miles, almost exactly the area of the state of Texas.

There is a river that divides the map roughly east-west, flowing from the highlands to the lowlands into Cisimins Bay. North of the river is the Kingdom of Weston. South is the Kingdom of Williamston. (I'm not clear on the names of the kingdoms, but those are the capitols.)

Right in the middle of the map you can see Castle Clifton, right between the West Wood and the East Wood, in Hex 1010. Sylvia is to marry Baron Frey over in 0704. The realm of East Reach (centered on 1310) are in the process of invading our Realm! They have established one outpost that we know about: a stockade with 100 men and one wizard between 1010 and 1110.

Examining the map, there are clear adventure hooks pulling us in several directions. 
  • The people of East Reach. Do we fight them? Join them? Stay neutral?
  • What about the stockade in East Wood? Should we take it or burn it down?
  • What happens when Sylvia has to go to Frey? Will we go with her, and why?
  • The Tabernacle of Frea is in 0611. I would personally love to visit to see what it looks like and what sorts enpeople it.
  • Why are the Wildelands called that?

What is that mysterious tower in 1305...?

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