I still don't have a name for the setting. I'll change the name of this post when I get one.
Knights are of the Second Estate by birth and carriage. Everyone knows a Knight when he sees one, because that's just part of the job. Nobility is predicated on mastery of arms and the protection of the Realm. Any particular Knight may not be expert at all kinds of fighting. But as a social class they are duty-bound to practice it and defend the First and Third Estates.
What popular history often overlooks is that the third and subsequent sons of aristocrats had title but not a portfolio. They were turned out into the world in many cases to seek their own fortune. Therefore, with the protections and privileges of the Second Estate, it makes sense that some of these men (and women) would seek greatness upon themselves as leaders of mercenaries and armies, as pirates, as warlords and as adventurers. In fact, the Knight makes the best fighting man, for his options for training, equipment and mobility are unabridged.
This Knight class represents the professional soldier of Medieval times. While the vast majority fought from horseback, not all Knights did so. By the time of Agincourt it had become standard practice for knights to dismount for battle and stand with the archers, "and always a great number of gentlemen did so in order that the common soldiers might be reassured and fight better."
The italicized line is a quote from a French knight named Philippe de Commynes who thought that the English had brought the practice of dismounted knights to France. In reality by Agincourt the vast majority of the French and English knights fought on foot.
The Prime Requisites for the Knight class are Charisma and any one other Ability. If your Knight has both a CHA of 15 or above and another Ability score of 15 or above, you gain +10% to your XP.
Arms & Armor: A Knight may use any armor, shield, or weapon without penalty. One of the benefits of being of the Second Estate is the unabridged right to Arms.
Combat Ability: The Knight uses the Fighting-Man’s Attack Matrix and Saving Throw charts.
The Knight’s Class Responsibilities: Before explaining the benefits of Knighthood it is important to explain the Knight’s duties.
Fealty: You owe fealty to your lord and protection to your vassals.
Until you have your own castle, this is a bad deal for you. Afterwards, it’s
very good.
Justice: You owe it to your Lord and to God to seek fairness and to
follow the Law to the best of your abilities. If public opinion turns against
you in these matters, things will go very badly for you.
Majesty: As a Knight you are required to squander 4 GP per level per month (400 GP per level per month if you play on a gold standard) or lose your class benefits. You may know a
trade, but you may not practice it for money, or you lose your class benefits.
The Knight’s Class Abilities:
Horsemanship: Fighting from horseback is fun and easy for the
Knight. The Knight may use any melee weapon from the saddle. When charging, he
always attacks first against grounded opponents.
He may use his own
attacks or that of his mount when he chooses to attack.
When using a lance from
the saddle against normal-types less than 4 + 1 HD, a natural 20 is an instant
kill, as he has broken the opponent’s neck. Knights do not use missile weapons
while mounted.
When a Knight is struck
by an Opportunity Attack, he does not need to stop movement. When his mount is
struck by an Opportunity Attack, he may make a DEX check to continue movement.
Morale: A Knight leading commoner
troops of any kind adds his CHA modifier to their Morale and Initiative scores.
Symbol of Nobility: A Knight receives the following modifiers to
Reaction checks.
- +1 to all reaction checks with Men of the First and Second Estates
- -1 reaction checks with Third Estate (Knights never mean you any weal) except when leading men in combat.
- -2 to reactions with Outlaws
Equippage: A Knight begins with a Medium Horse, tack,
saddle, and three weapons of his choice, only one of which may be a missile
weapon, in addition to whatever armor and equipment he chooses to buy with his
starting money.
Squire: Starting at 2nd Level, the Knight gains a Squire. This may be a member of the low nobility or a young person who is training to be a warrior. This Squire is a normal Retainer except that he fills a special additional Retainer slot dedicated to the Squire that no other kind of Retainer may utilize. A Squire must be male or present as male.
Once a Squire gains 1,000 XP, he is spun off as his own 1st-Level Fighting-Man (or other appropriate class). He no longer occupies the special Squire Retainer slot. He may decide to stay on as a conventional Retainer, be promoted to PC status, or leave to seek his fortune.
Squires do not fight except in self-defense and do not wear armor nor wield military weapons (though they know how to do both.) They assist the Knight in the mundane tasks of military life including grooming his horse, cooking, cleaning, assisting with dressing for battle, &c. A Squire might also be tasked with some mission that promises little to no danger, such as carrying a letter to a friend through friendly territory.
Right of the Treasury: Knights do not pay taxes, but they do tithe 10% each month.
Right of Justice: Knights are above the laws pertaining to the First and Third Estate. They may offer Justice to their comrades. This means they may overrule Third Estate authorities or other lower-ranked Nobles in matters of guilt and innocence. They may dispense Summary Low Justice to members of the Third Estate or direct the church to do so for lower members of the clergy.
Right of Ennoblement: A Knight may create a Bastard or Squire to be his own vassal but then is responsible for that man’s wellbeing.
Right to Fortify: A Knight may build a castle whenever he can afford to do it.
Squire: Starting at 2nd Level, the Knight gains a Squire. This may be a member of the low nobility or a young person who is training to be a warrior. This Squire is a normal Retainer except that he fills a special additional Retainer slot dedicated to the Squire that no other kind of Retainer may utilize. A Squire must be male or present as male.
Once a Squire gains 1,000 XP, he is spun off as his own 1st-Level Fighting-Man (or other appropriate class). He no longer occupies the special Squire Retainer slot. He may decide to stay on as a conventional Retainer, be promoted to PC status, or leave to seek his fortune.
Squires do not fight except in self-defense and do not wear armor nor wield military weapons (though they know how to do both.) They assist the Knight in the mundane tasks of military life including grooming his horse, cooking, cleaning, assisting with dressing for battle, &c. A Squire might also be tasked with some mission that promises little to no danger, such as carrying a letter to a friend through friendly territory.
Right of the Treasury: Knights do not pay taxes, but they do tithe 10% each month.
Right of Justice: Knights are above the laws pertaining to the First and Third Estate. They may offer Justice to their comrades. This means they may overrule Third Estate authorities or other lower-ranked Nobles in matters of guilt and innocence. They may dispense Summary Low Justice to members of the Third Estate or direct the church to do so for lower members of the clergy.
Right of Ennoblement: A Knight may create a Bastard or Squire to be his own vassal but then is responsible for that man’s wellbeing.
Right to Fortify: A Knight may build a castle whenever he can afford to do it.
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