Saturday, February 2, 2019

Fallen Empires Campaign Elements Part 15: Bringing It All Back Home

So we've been through the seasons and we've been through the procedures. I've demonstrated rumors, swords and NPCs. I've mentioned for rolling up dungeons on the fly, and linked my own Monster Manual. (Well, maybe I haven't, but you can just imagine that I did.)

Here is the map of the city. It more of a diagram than a map, actually. The various districts are marked off properly but the shapes are all idealized.

I do not know what the small circles mean. Yet. They will be some sort of power center. Maybe each will mean something different but they will all be about equally valuable.

Lavender represents Weights and Measures, headed by Sister Mary-Fraunchonette d'Etremont. If you look closely, they have just slightly more power than the other guilds at the moment.

Pink represents the Dock Workers Guild, headed by Anatoli Gilca. You will just have to imagine the ferries that bring people to and fro from the Docklands.

Blue represents the Merchants' Guild, headed by the dwarf Eagrin Steelbeard. 

Brown represents the University headed by Matron Bar Sheva Irit-Reiss and her man Vedha.

Mustard represents House Tibulus, headed by Count Charles Tibulus. They have control over the main gate of the city, although there are also gates in the lavender sector that are not marked on the map.

Mint represents House Iulus which is headed by Count Gilles Iulus.

And Red represents House Aearcus, headed by Count Johannus Aearcus. 

The gray center with the Triskelion is Castle Triskelion, the home of the old Prince. 

The beige areas are not under the control of any of the seven great powers of the city.

There is still some work to do and some things that I have buttoned up but I don't plan to show you. But that's everything I need to have in hand to run the Fallen Empire campaign. Everything else will come from what the players want to explore.

NEXT TIME: An updated campaign pitch document - something to show prospective players.

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