Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Castle Caldwell Explorers Session V - A Changing of the Vanguard

2 September 2017 630 PM - 10 PM EDT

The DM was Steve.

When last we left our murderhobos, there was much rejoicing over hard-won treasure; there was a great offering to the Church of Freya to resurrect one companion, and restore to another that which was lost. People leveled up and everyone healed.

Gruffled the halfling Thief decided to take his fortune and retire to the shire.  Raven the half-elf Cleric of Freya decided that dying once wass quite enough, thankyouverymuch, and escorted Yaspar the gnome fighting-man to the abbey of Freya where he was to learn the ways of their order.  Thane the human Magic-User left his master to join our party, having found a taste for adventure in the wider world. Ronin the human Fighter and Vuvier the gnome Thief had come through quite well, had gained levels, and remained the nucleus of the merry band.  Thane called out to a familiar and to Julie's delight, a toad came to her!  She named the toad Jane II, and we used this little familiar to spy for us on one occasion already.

Over the next couple of weeks as we convalesced at the expense of Lord Clifton, Ronin called upon a friend of his from the war to help bolster our numbers.  Her name is Meira, and she is a half-elf Fighter played by AJ. In practice she makes an excellent rearguard because she has decent hit points and a magic sword, and she can fire over the heads of the other characters.

(Back on Earth, my wife AJ had joined us so we were six players 'round the table with Steve making seven.  That seems like a lot but it went surprisingly well.)

Meira the half-elf fighter


We could tell Clifton was getting antsy to get this group of murderhobos out of his camp so he could get on with the business of being a Lord of the Manor.  What we didn't know is that he had more trouble on his hands!  The bandits from the next hex over had kidnapped his niece and ward, Sylvia, who was to be wed to the neighboring Baron to cement Clifton's claim to power.  

There was a woodsman, no more than a boy, really, who had spied the kidnapping and saw the way the bandits had taken her. He wasn't much use past that, so the party set off in search of her.  But before they went, Clifton introduced an earthy sort named Ældlin who agreed to come along to take them safely through the woods. Steve handed me a character sheet with a sly grin on his face and said, "Since you role-play, I thought you could handle this!" Ældlin is my character, a half-elf druid of all things! This is not a choice I would have made for myself, but oh what fun it would be!

Ældlin the Russet, the druid

I decided he would have strawberry blond dreadlocks and little forest animals whisper in his ear whenever he has something to say, as if he is reporting what they tell him. The weather was rainy the day they set off, so I took Call Lightning as my third level spell, but that was my only offensive magic.  Between the fighters and Thane I felt confident that I wouldn't need the usual low level Druid beatdowns.  (Sidebar: 1e Druids have a wacked-out spell progression that awards 3rd level spells when they are 3rd experience level!  WEIRD!)

No sooner had we entered the wood and walked perhaps a league then a whippoorwill informed Ældlin that the party had been flanked! We readied our weapons against the two strangers, but instead of a fight, we found we were all looking for the same little girl and the same group of bandits.

Everaxe the Dwarven War Cleric and his Woman Ranger companion were more than happy to join us in our search. Everaxe was played like a short Klingon by my son, Nathaniel. He got a handle on Everaxe right away and quickly formed a friendly rivalry up at the front of the party with Ronin, the powerful Fighting-Man.

Everaxe the War Cleric

Simone is a clever player who always has great tactical ideas.  Every time she speaks up, she has an MVP idea and saves the day, as you will see if you read back over these journal entries. But she's not comfortable getting into character. Faelin the Ranger is competent and efficient.

That's okay.

Simone's ranger, Faelin

Her Ranger was nondescript to be honest because she doesn't quite have a handle on the character yet. She and Ældlin took up the third rank behind Vuvier and Thane (rank 2) and Ronin and Everaxe (Vanguard).

The seven of us arrived at the likely cave of the bandits who had abducted Sylvia. and observed it for a couple of hours and from a couple of vantage points, concluding there was no patrol.

Ronin suggested booby-trapping the entrance to cover an escape of for some other dire reason and we considered it.  It was a good idea but it was raining and we didn't want to lose daylight if possible. It would also have given up our presence.  

So we carefully went in, dispatching a sleeping (!) goblin guard and his lizard man crony. We explored a small barracks, found a scroll of Cure Disease, and then continued on to a main earthen hall. It was lighted by torches in sconces and containing practice dummies, manacles, and straw bales with targets. We had stumbled upon something of an operation, it appeared.

But the most interesting thing in the room was a princess, manacled to the wall and sitting in a chair. She was being menaced by an owlbear!  They were about 70' away, just outside melee range.  When we all saw one another, the owlbear roared and slashed the princess open.  We charged toward it, and Everaxe the Cleric prepared Cure Light Wounds for the distressed damsel!  We wailed on each other for three or four rounds, and our side inflicted numerous wounds on the beast.  However it's great claws had felled Ronin ad Faelin where they stood, each with one blow!

Ældlin had not engaged and had in fact backed out toward the open sky again, in case he had to cast his Call Lightning spell.  He spied Everaxe cast his Cure spell on the Baroness-to-be, but to no effect - and it was then that I made the connection.  


So how to disbelieve?  I missed one Save, but then looked at my character sheet.

I had memorized Faerie Fire today! Casting it into the area with the "owlbear," it clearly outlined each animate person - which of course did not include the owlbear! We were all able to disbelieve and awakened our fallen comrades!

Then we heard laughter from the opposite wall.  Vuvier the thief found a peephole but there was nobody on the other side.  We decidfed to circle around through a passage we thought would lead to the hole, and sure enough, it did.

But it also led us two two combats with more goblins!  In the second one, since Ældlin was in the back, he cast Charm Person or Monster on a big goblin. As it turns out, goblins have an INT of 4, and therefore he will be my friend for at least two months. We pumped him for information but that didn't go well.  We found out his name is King Goblin (he's not a king) and he showed us his butthole.  Very helpful.


He pointed us down a dark passage to a "sick thing" which the several players surmised was the princess.  Everaxe and Ældlin ventured down the hallway and were beset by a green slime!  

We nearly died.  Somehow, the goblin had been taught to cast the spell from the scroll despite being quite stupid. He saved Everaxe's life but not his plate armor. 400 GPs down the drain!

We decided to head back to Castle Clifton to recuperate since two of us were under 10 HP and Everaxe in particular had but 1, and no spells left.  Sylvia would just have to wait.

So again, the cast:

Ronin, the 3rd level human Fighting-Man played by Ethan
Vuvier, the 3rd level gnome Thief and 
Thane, the 3rd level human Magic-User (now with added toadiness thanks to Jane II) played by Julianna
Faelin, the 2nd level human Ranger played by Simone
Everaxe,  the 2nd level dwarf War Cleric played by Nathaniel
Meira, the 2nd level half-elf archer Fighter played by AJ
Ældlin, the 3rd level half-elf Druid and 
King Goblin, the bless-your-heart bumpkin goblin manservant, both played by Scott.

to AJ for getting her game on 
to Scott for actually finding a use for Faerie Fire
to Ethan for finally playing Ronin like the brave and resourceful front-rank Fighter he is
to Nathaniel for stepping into the shoes of Everaxe seamlessly.  He had expected to play a dwarf Fighting Man, but he got right into having a go at playing a Cleric!

to Scott for almost getting Everaxe killed.  I knew we were walking into some kind of trap, but was overconfident due to strength in numbers.

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