Monday, September 4, 2017

Genus Divitiarum ex Omnibus Vasis

Work with me here. 

I'm still working out the plans along with Nathan Jennings of the Campaigns Playable blog and some of the other fellows. However, I think I have a handle on what we're trying to do. 

Dungeons are to be devised like so:

Think up the Most Important Treasure in a dungeon or on a particular dungeon level. That treasure establishes the theme of that adventuring area. Every other significant treasure is a variation on the theme. Once those treasures are devised and placed, then the tricks, traps and monsters will be generated and placed as guardians of those prizes. 

This is a treasure-based version of Gygaxian Naturalism; some genus divitiarum ex omnibus vasishierarchy. 

This will probably require flipping the treasure charts - generating treasure types and placing them, and then generating an appropriate guardian for each of those. If you will, monsters-by-treasure-type rather than treasure-by-monster's-treasure-type. 

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