Sunday, September 24, 2017

Magic Money Squares!

This is going to seem like an advertisement for ridiculous tchotchke and I suppose in some ways it is. But nb there are still a lot of people in the world with Medieval brains, running around doing Medieval things.

Here is a delightfully cheesy Spells and Amulets website  wherein you can find actual spells, amulets and lucky charms to get you money, love, and/or a larger butt (because if News of the Weird has taught me anything, a large butt is the intermediate step between money and love.)

Here is a Magic Square amulet, which gets you money. You can tell because it has random numbers on it, just like a lottery ticket. Only $19.99!

I feel richer already

If nothing else, there are a lot of nice pictures of Medieval-quality amulets that would fool most INT 6 peasants in the year 1100, and a little bit of stock line art to nick.

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